BlackBerry Slider: This is not your Father’s BlackBerry


This week I’ve had a fantastic opportunity to connect with a large number of BBM Channel users, thanks to a feature in BBM’s Discover Channels Page. Many of those I’ve talked to are using iOS and Android devices, but a lot of those people have told me that they would love to go back to a Blackberry device or try a Blackberry device for the first time….if only.  “If only what?” I asked. Here are the answers they provided: If only…

  • Blackberry offered all the apps I want, like Instagram, Snapchat, Pop the Lock, Messenger, Circle of 6, Periscope, Hulu, Pandora, Angry Birds 2, Tile, VSCO and many, many more.
  • Blackberry were sold by my carrier.
  • Blackberry had a virtual keyboard device that also met the standards listed above
  • Blackberry had a physical keyboard device that met the standards listed above.
  • Blackberry offered Qi in their devices

These are the main wish list items that I have been hearing about this week.  As an avid BlackBerry user and supporter, I read this list and I think ONE SIMPLE WORD…..”Venice”.

See many users of iOS and Android devices have  no idea, that BB10 even exists. They think of BlackBerry as the Bold, the Storm, the Curve, the Torch.  They think THAT is where BlackBerry still is with technology.  They have NO IDEA, not even a clue, how far BlackBerry has come. They don’t know that all most of the apps listed above are easily and readily available for current BB10 devices, they know nothing of the partnership between AmazonAppStore and BlackBerry or our ability to use Google Play Store with a simple download. Simply put, they are just not educated about BlackBerry anymore.  BUT….that’s not their fault!  It is up to us BlackBerry brand enthusiasts to lead them to the information they need to make the decision to pick up a BlackBerry and see what all the hype is about.

Currently, the hype I am speaking about in this post is this….the soon to be launched BlackBerry Venice*


Recently, some of my friends over at Crackberry, BerryFlow and BlackBerryCentral have blogged some of the latest information about this highly desired and long awaited new device. I recommend you check out the following three articles to really educate yourself about the device.

The Blackberry Slider is Bad Ass James Neives at BerryFlow talks about the upcoming BlackBerry Slider and the rumored specs

Hands On Video of BlackBerry Venice Bla1ze at Crackberry posted a great video yesterday detailing the styling and design of the actual device.

BlackBerry Slider…Venice or Avenger? Dylan Habkirk of BlackBerryCentral talks about the possible names that this new BlackBerry Slider device may be dubbed.

While the specs, name, and design features have not yet been confirmed, I, and many other avid BlackBerry users feel very confident that this device is truly unique and will likely be the first mobile device on the market to TRULY combine all of the features that one could wish for in a device.  Users will have the ultimate security and versatility of BlackBerry combined with the ability to utilize any app that Google Play Store and Google Play Services offer, loading them as seamlessly as you would on any Android device.  You’ll have the choice to use a amoled display virtual keyboard, or the slide out physical keyboard. And although it has also not been confirmed, rumors point to this device being available at all of the major carriers. So, one would likely be able to get it with their upgrade if they have a contracted plan.

If rumors prove to be true, this device has the potential to be a DREAM DEVICE for many people, from all walks of life, on a global scale. Speaking of rumors, the device is rumored to be launched in November 2015.

Do yourself a favor and just check it out…what are you to lose from doing that? Absolutely nothing.  What can you gain?  EVERYTHING!

21 thoughts on “BlackBerry Slider: This is not your Father’s BlackBerry

  1. As I have it, BlackBerry Venice is an Android device and not BB 10 device. The only way to use play store is if BB10 is able to run Google services. And the experience that I have of BB10 is that it is not very good at running Google play services. And if Venice is running BB10 I would love to see if BB10 is able to run Google services flawlessly. But even if it can, Android still have a better user experience than BB10.

      • I have watched two Youtube videos about the BlackBerry Venice and it looks good. The only thing that is bothering me is that it has a slightly curved screen (like the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge). I bought a S6 Edge, but I did not really liked it because of the curved screen – it created touch problems when browsing the Internet. So I gave it to my son. What I really would like to know is more specs about the phone. Processor, Ram, Storage, SDCard, LTE Bands supported. Screen dimensions and resolution, Price.My other problem with BlackBerry is that all their devices is that it is over priced, they are much like Apple in that respect!

      • I also cannot wait to see the specs! I noticed that rounded screen too, it looks very much like the Passport edge, which I didn’t like at first but eventually got used to. The drawback on that screen is it makes it difficult to fit with a glass screen protector (which I am a HUGE fan of). They are expensive, but like apple, they also retain their resale value well.🙂 Great comments! Thank you!

  2. We can only speculate why the negative posts regarding the upcoming Slider device and the scathing remarks about the Elite program were removed…very interesting.

    • I could have disapproved this comment but I would much rather address it. First, I appreciate you following my blog and my channel. I think you might be mistaken about your verbiage in this post since I did not post negative comments about the slider nor did I have scathing remarks to say about Elite.

      What I DID HAVE TO SAY was that I was not a fan of the curved screen on slider and that in the renders it looked plastic and I was expecting a heavier more substantial material. That is not negative, that is curiosity and observation. I stated that I would probably not purchase the device if it is plastic like most androids. I don’t see this as a negative comment. Also this blog post is about how the device could be the perfect device for someone who is NEW to Blackberry devices and coming off of an Andriod or iOs device….it’s not intended as my own opinion over whether or not I would use the device. Of course, if you know me (from my posts) you know I will probably still get this slider anyway! Because I’ll want to show it to the world!

      Regarding the “scathing” Elite program comments, I have the utmost respect for the program, I think its a fantastic way to incorporate the real user experience into the brand. My exact words in that post were “I don’t think the Elite program would except me because I am outspoken on both positive and negative things about the brand. ” It was not meant in ANY WAY to be a negative remark. One person took it that way. ONLY ONE of all the people who commented, in fact, several Elites commented positively and sad that they had always been outspoken about the positives and negatives as well, I told them that I appreciated their chiming in and corrected myself!

      Overall, I thought both posts were open, honest and truthful. Which is the only way I know how to be, and I’m sorry if you don’t like that, but that’s just me.

      As for the reason the posts were deleted, there was one Elite who became very rude and posted some very ugly comments. (not very flattering behavior for someone who is supposed to be representing the program) He also reported both of these channel posts. Believe it or not I have never had a channel post reported before, so when trying to clear out the reports, I clicked delete post, thinking I was clearing the report, I actually deleted the entire post inadvertently.

      Again, I appreciate your subscribing and I’m glad to see you defending BlackBerry. I simply don’t agree with your version of the Channel posts you mentioned.🙂

  3. I think that people using iOS and Android have to get their head around the fact that an app that does what they want (and probably more) IS available for BB10, but it’s not under the same name as what they currently use. For example, Starbucks doesn’t have a native app so I use Make. There are all sorts of picture and video editing apps that are powerful, but they don’t have the same name as the app they use on their current device.

    • Agreed Greg! But they also dont understand that they can use non native apps as well, that process used to be so confusing back when we had to sideload bar files, now its so simple, but they don’t know that….they still see BB as a dinosaur. We have to keep posting articles that make people want to look and see what BlackBerry has to offer!!!

  4. Joy, I remember those two posts you are talking about. I agree with your response to the OP above, your posts were open and honest and just plain YOU. Don’t stop being yourself because of other peoples negativity. I remember Pat Wallace saying very nasty remarks and coming off like he was better than everyone else, and even admitting that he reported your posts. The problem is not you, its him. Elite would be lucky to have you, and they should get rid of him. Just keep doing what you do. I love your channel and your blog!

    • Thanks Kevin. I don’t have any animosity. People are always entitled to their opinions. I certainly share MINE with everyone after all!🙂 And it may sound cliche, but, life is entirely too short to worry about things like a negative comment on a blog or channel post. Smile, nod, and “MOVE FORWARD”! Thanks for your supportive comment!

    • Pat has done a lot for the BlackBerry brand and helping with selling quite a number of phones, and is even in the lead regarding a recent promotion where we were given discount codes for purchasing a new device. He breathes BlackBerry lol the Elite Program is lucky to have him (and all of us that advocate and support the brand)

      • Pat is all in on BlackBerry and he has supported them for as long as I can remember. I’m sure he was just defending them that day on that post. I would have probably done the same.🙂

  5. Hi Joy, I appreciate what you are doing for BlackBerry. Your channel is great! Congratulations on being verified and featured! You’re an inspiration!

  6. I’m kind of interested in a BlackBerry, but the iPad in my hand is a jealous gadget and simply will not allow rival devices to get anywhere near. If you listen carefully, you can hear it growling in the background at the mere thought.

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