Low Carb Chocolate Bark

Well…anytime you see the word CHOCOLATE…you know carbs are going to be involved somehow. However, it is possible to keep those carbs to a minimum and still satisfy your sweet tooth and your craving for chocolate. 

No. You can not have a Snickers bar, or a Reeses Peanut butter cup or even a Peppermint Patty. But Lindt Supreme Dark 90% Excellence Bar is your friend. Melted and mixed with a little stevia or xylitol it is just as sweet as milk chocolate. 

To make the bark, line a cookie sheet with foil. Chop all 10 squares of chocolate into smaller pieces and place in a microwave safe container. Set aside. Prepare the toppings. I used 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut, 1/4 cup whole roasted almonds that I roughly chopped. I added a shameful ingredient (dried cherries) just because I truly, truly love them…..but they are high carb so I recommend you omit the tablespoon (8 carbs) Another GREAT ADDITION to this bark would be bacon. Next time I will try that instead. Last but not least, 1 tsp. sea salt. Place all of the toppings, except the sea salt, in a bowl and stir well. Begin melting your chocolate in the microwave, 30 seconds at a time until it is completely melted. Working quickly, stir in 3-4 packets of stevia. Scrape all of the chocolate onto the foil covered cookie sheet and spread it out to about 1/4″ thickness. Sprinkle the salt over the chocolate, then sprinkle your topping mixture all over making sure to cover all of the chocolate. Used the back of your spoon or spatula to lightly tap the toppings down onto the chocolate. Place the tray in the refrigerator for 45 minutes. Last but not least, once the chocolate is hard, break it up into small pieces. 

Enjoy your bark! ❤️


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